"The challenges of the rule of law in the 21st century"

International Seminar on Culture of Legality

Hour: 9:30 a 19:00

Place: Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Aula 18.0.A10. Campus de Getafe.

Director: María José Fariñas

Organized by: Research group on Justice and Law (GIDYJ)

Language: Spanish and Portuguese


The transformation of legal institutions, the emergence of new perspectives for the interpretation of norms and constitutions or the new power relations represent challenges for the Rule of Law in the 21st century. The objective of this Seminar is twofold. On the one hand, to analyze in the light of these transformations such fundamental issues as the separation of powers, control of the public administration, independence of the judiciary, the system of guarantees of social rights or the system of protection of fundamental principles . On the other, in a comparative perspective, to describe the process of development of the democracies of Brazil and Spain within the last 30 years in order to understand how the new social and economic phenomena and globalization will impact on the democracies of both countries.

Attendance at the Seminar will be free. A certificate of attendance will be issued to those who have registered and attended the sessions.

Until January 9, the deadline for sending communications will remain open. Proposals must have a title and a summary of the content of no more than 500 words and be accompanied by a brief résumé vitae of the author. The direction of the Seminar will select the communications that will be presented and publicly defended in the same. The decision of the management will be communicated to the authors on January 20th. Proposals can be sent to: contacto@derechoyjusticia.net

Information and registrationcontacto@derechoyjusticia.net

The International Seminar on Culture of Legality: "The Challenges of the Rule of Law" is organized by the Research Group on Justice and Law (GIDYJ) of the Carlos III University of Madrid, within the framework of the activities of the New Trust-cm project Interuniversity Program in Culture of Legality (S2015/HUM-3466) financed by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport of the Community of Madrid.



First session: Dimensiones políticas del Estado de Derecho: separación e independencia de los poderes (Place: Aula 18.0.A10. Horario: 09:30-12:00 hh.)

Presentación del Seminario: Carmen Pérez. Vicedecana de Relaciones Internacionales e Intercambios Académicos y Primera Vicedecana.


- James Magno Araújo Farias (Profesor Titular de Derecho Laboral de la Universidade Federal do Maranhao, Presidente del Tribunal Laboral de Maranhão-Brasil): “Magistratura e midias no século XXI: uma estranha relação de desconfiança”

- Ricardo Franco Pinto (Abogado junto a la Corte Penal Internacional. Doctor en Sociología): “La Judicialización de la Política: especial referencia al caso brasileño”

- María José Fariñas Dulce (Profesora titular de Filosofía del Derecho de la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid): "Pospolítica y posdemocracia como desafíos al Estado de Derecho"


Second session: Estado de derecho y constituciones: el sistema de garantías (Lugar: Aula 18.0.A10. Horario: 12:30-14:30 hh. )


- José de Ribamar Froz Sobrinho (Profesor de La Escuela de Magistrados de Maranhao, Desembragador Del Tribunal de Justicia de Maranhão- Brasil): “O sistema de garantias da justiça Criminal no Brasil”

- Carlos Lema (Profesor titular de Filosofía del Derecho de la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid): "Neoliberalismo y Constitucionalismo. ¿Hacia una constitucionalización del proyecto liberal?