Are we corrupt by nature (or by carelessness)?

Science week

Hour: 19:00 a 20:30

Place: Universidad de Alcalá. Facultad de FIlosofía y Letras. Aula 9

Director: Julio Seoane Pinilla

Organized by: North American Thought Research Group

On the occasion of Science Week, the North American Thought Research Group (GIPN) led by Julio Seoane organized a roundtable to discuss the essence of corruption and the fact that in our country we have a high tolerance to it.

Here you can find the AGENDA of the roundtable discussion.

Directed by: Julio Seoane. GIPN (North American Thought Research Group) 

Organiza: S2015/HUM-3466. Interuniversity Program in Culture of Legality (NEW TRUST-CM) of the Ministry of Education of the Community of Madrid.

With the collaboration of the Vice-Rectorate for Research and Transfer of the University of Alcalá