José María Sauca Cano

Program coordinator



Doctor of Law from the Carlos III University of Madrid (1994. Nicolas Perez Serrano Award from the CEPC and Extraordinary Prize from the University); Graduated in European Studies (1986) and graduated in Law (1985) by the University of Deusto. He has held the Chair in Social Sciences of Spain in Mexico on Human Rights (MEC-FLACSO) and has been visiting scholar at the Unversity of Oxford (UK) and the Université du Québec à Montréal (Canada) as well as visiting researcher at the Universities of Turin (Italy), Bordeaux (France) and IISJ de Oñati (Basque Country). He has given seminars, postgraduate courses and lectures in numerous European and Latin American institutions. Among his academic positions are the Director of Postgraduate Programs at the Carlos III University of Madrid (2003 and 2004), Director of the Doctoral Program in Fundamental Rights (1997-2003) and Secretary of the Bartolomé de las Casas Human Rights Institute 1991-2003).

Research areas:

  1. Culture of legality.

  2. Itentity and Law.

  3. Civil society, citizenship and democracy.

  4. Political Theory and Human Rights.

  5. Legal Philosophy, Theory and Methodology.

Recent publications:

  • «Liberalismo e identidad cultural en Dworkin», en José María Sauca (ed.), El legado de Dworkin a la filosofía del Derecho. Tomando en serio el imperio del erizo, Centro de Estudios Políticos y Constitucionales, Madrid, 2015, pp. 250-270 (ISBN: 978-84-259-1662-5).

  • «Introducción», en José María Sauca (ed.), Aviones usados como bombas. Problemas políticos y constitucionales en la lucha contra el terrorismo, Madrid: Los Libros de la Catarata, 2015, pp. 7-16. (ISBN 978-84-8319-982-4).

  • «Cultura de la legalidad: movimiento y proyecto», (en coautoria con Isabel Wences), en Isabel Wences, Rosa Conde y Adrián Bonilla, Cultura de la legalidad en Iberoamérica: Desafíos y experiencias, San José de Costa Rica: Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales (FLACSO), 2014, pp. 17-46. (ISBN 978-9977-68-274-7).

  • «The Canadian School of Diversity’s New Influences on the Theory of Collective Rights in Spain. A Critical Review of the Seymour Contribution», in Alain-G. Gagnon and José Mª. Sauca (eds.), Negociating Diversity: Identity, Pluralism and Democracy, Brussels: Peter Lang, 2014, pp. 61-86. (ISBN 978-2-87574-171-4).

  • «La contribution de la Commission Bouchard-Taylor au modèle interculturel du Québec» en Eugénie Brouillet et Louis-Philippe Lampron (dir.), La mobilisitation du droit et la protection des collectivités minoritaires, Québec: Les Presses de l’Université Laval, 2013, pp. 211 a 226. (ISBN : 978-2-7637-1605-3).

  • «Presentación a la edición española», en Alain-G.Gagnon, Época de Incertidumbres. Ensayo sobre el federalismo y la diversidad nacional, Tirant lo Blanch, Valencia, 2013, pp. 13- 19.

  • «Derecho a la memoria» en Rafael Escudero Alday (coord.): Diccionario de memoria histórica. Conceptos contra el olvido, Los libros de la Catarata, Madrid, 2011, pp. 21 a 27 (ISBN: 978-84-8319-612-0).

  • «Eskualde eta nortasuna: Kanadako ikasgaiak» en Eskualdea, Europar Batasuneko “kide” berriaren inguruabarrak. Eleria. Euskal Herriko Legelarien Aldizkaria, 21 zkia. (2011), pp. 43 – 47 (ISSN: 1137-1951).

  • «Cultura de la Legalidad. Bosquejo de Exploraciones Conceptuales y Metodológicas» en Asamblea. Revista Parlamentaria de la Asamblea de Madrid, nº. 22, 2010, pp. 11 a 24 (ISSN 1575-5312).

  • Identidad y Derecho. Nuevas perspectivas para viejos debates, Valencia: Tirant lo Blanch, 2010, 230 págs. (ISBN: 978-849-985-059-7).

Recent actvities:

  • Visiting Scholar at the Faculty of Law. University of Oxford (2015/16).

  • Director of the Research Group on Law and Justice (GIDYJ). Carlos III University of Madrid.

  • Director of Eunomía. Journal in Culture of Legality

  • Director of the Permanent Seminary Jesús G. Amuchastegui (SPA).

  • Visiting Scholar at the Faculty of Law. University of Oxford (2013/14).

  • Coordinator of the Conference on The legacy of Ronald Dworkin to the philosophy of Law, held on 29 and 30 October 2013 at the Center for Political and Constitutional Studies (Madrid).

  • Chercheur invited in the Chaire de Recherche du Canada in Études Québécoises et Canadiennes de l'Université de Québec à Montréal (Uqàm). (Canada). July and August 2012.

  • Professor invited in the Master Global Rule of Law and Constitutional Democracy. Università degli Studi di Genova. (2012-2015).

  • Coordinator of the Interuniversity Program in Culture of Legality (Trust-cm). (2008-2012).

  • Coordinator of the XVII Spanish-Italian-French Seminar of Law Theory. 50th Anniversary of "The Concept of Law". Balance of a legal culture. Carlos III University of Madrid (October 2011).

  • Scientific Coordinator of the IV International Congress of Human Rights of the Basque Government, titled Citizenship and social rights: a speech of the future. Bilbao September 2010) [].

  • Local Coordinator of the International Congress entitled Autonomy: Imagining Democratic Alternatives in Complex Settings, from the Ethnicity & Democratic Governance Program, Madrid (13-17 April 2010) [].

  • Lecture: Multinational Democracies in Europe. The Case of Spain, in the eSYMPOSIUM, Suum Cuique Tribuere: The International Complexities of Social Justice in the 21st Century, Legal Intersections Research Center (Lirc), School of Law, University of Wollongow, (November 2014).

  • Seminar Contemporary Reading of the Classics: Why read Tocqueville today? At the Autonomous Technological Institute of Mexico (ITAM) .April 2013.

  • Lecture: The approach of Ricardo Carcacciolo to the category of collective rights: between assertive and normative at the XX International Seminar on Theory and Philosophy of Law. Vaquerías 2012. National University of Córdoba. Argentina (September 2012).

  • Course of Educational and Research Update (CADI) for professors of Social Sciences and Humanities of the Technological Institute of Monterrey titled Identity, Pluralism and Democracy from a Theory of Human Rights. Mexico DF. (July 2011).

  • Paper: The Failure of the "Plural Spain" Project. The Landscape after the Battle at the Conference on Politics of Accommodation in Multinational Democracies, St. Antony's College, Oxford University (June 2011).

  • Presentation: Governance, Territoriality and Identity in the Workshop Identity, Pluralism and Democracy. I Meeting between Groupe de Recherche sur les Sociétés Plurinationales (GRSP & GIDYJ). Madrid (May 2010).

  • Paper: Droits culturels et appartenance in the Congress The Mobilization of Droit et le Pluralisme Communautaire organized by Cridaq. Université Laval. Québec (May 2010).

  • Speech: Perspectives on the Development of the Spanish "State of Autonomies" at the International Congress entitled Autonomy: Imagining Democratic Alternatives in Complex Settings, organized by Ethnicity & Democratic Governance. Madrid (April 2010).