S2015/HUM-3466. A project financed by the Education, Youth and Sports Office of the Community of Madrid and co-financed by the European Social Fund which operates in four different areas:
The program addresses, on the one hand, the theoretical refining and conceptual development of the dimensions concerning to the consolidation of the Rule of Law and the deepening in democracy. On the other hand, there is a special technical concern for the improvement and progress of the instruments and processes related to the fight against corruption and the promotion of good governance measures.
The program has among its objectives the pedagogical ordering and the generation of teaching materials suitable for educating on the culture of lawfulness to a plurality of possible audiences. Its introduction into the regulated education and the training of personnel highly qualified to implement policies of good governance, institutional rationalization and fight against corruption are key issues for this objective.
The consortium that forms the Program also offers a technical and applied profile. For that matter, it aims to establish transparency and liability protocols applicable to public administrations; as well as offering consultancy services for the implementation of participation measures and establishment of protocols of an ethical nature in both public administrations and private entities.
Evaluation of the existing situation regarding the deficits of processes of political legitimation and fight against corruption. This implies verifying the intersection between the variables of corruption, the fight against it and the levels of impunity with the social and political processes of delegitimation of institutions and the continuities and differences that it presents with other processes of loss or decline of legitimacy.
Esther González-Hernández (2020), La nueva «cultura de la responsabilidad» en la democracia española, Editorial Comares, Granada, España, 256 pp. ISBN: 978-84-9045-920-1Table of contents1. VARIACIONES SOBRE EL PRINCIPIO DE RESPONSABILIDAD POLÍTICA.Antonio Torres del Moral2. UNA...
On Thursday, November 21 at 7 p.m., at Marcial Pons bookstore (Humanities), launch of the book "Canallas ilustrados", by Julio Seoane.More about the book.
Researchers from the Program on Culture of Lawfulness developed the modules on Good Governance and Anti-Corruption produced by the Office of the Co-ordinator of OSCE Economic and Environmental Activities (OCEEA).This online course consists of 6 modules, whose purpose is to provid...
It is already available the Volume 17 of Eunomía. Journal on Culture of Lawfulness, corresponding to the semester of October 2019 - March 2020Journal Eunomia V. 17, click here
Hour: 09:00
Place: University Carlos III of Madrid. Campus de Puerta de Toledo
Organized by: REPMULT y NEW TRUST-CM
Hour: 16:00
Venue: Universidad Carlos III. Campus Madrid-Puerta de Toledo. Aula 1.1.09
Organized by: GIPFDP
Place: Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Campus de Puerta de Toledo. PT-1.A.10
Organized by: New Trust-cm
Eunomia. Journal on Culture of Lawfulness is configured as an editorial commitment of semiannual periodicity, interdisciplinary profile and academic character that pursues an international projection and opts for an electronic, free and open spread.