Private Law and Public Illusion

XLI Pemanent Seminary Jesús G. Amuchastegui (SPA)

Hour: 12:00

Place: Universidad Carlos III de Madrid.  Aula 14.0.07 (Campus de Getafe)

Speaker: Liam B. Murphy. New York University

Organized by: Research Group on Justice and Law (GIDYJ)

XLI Seminario Permanente Jesús G. Amuchastegui (SPA)


 Private Law and Public Illusion:
The artificial morality of property and contract
Liam B. Murphy

Liam Murphy

Herbert Peterfreund Professor of Law and Professor of Philosophy

School of Law. New York University

NEW TRUST-CM (S2015/HUM-3466)

Título: Programa Interuniversitario en Cultura de la Legalidad