Call for papers Eunomía. Journal on Culture of Lawfulness (16)

Eunomia. Journal on Culture of Lawfulness is transversal to different disciplines of the social sciences and the humanities, among them, stand out legal, political, sociological and philosophical. Its subjects deal with the legitimacy of the law and its obedience, paying special attention to the development of the rule of law and the deepening of democracy.
Original and rigorous contributions are requested on the topics on which the magazine focuses. The contributions will be submitted to an anonymous peer review process. The evaluators are specialists outside the Eunomia publishing organization. The Editorial Board undertakes to complete the process within six months after receiving it in the Secretariat of the Editorial Board.
January 21, 2019, deadline for submitting originals that choose to be published in No. 16 (April 2019 - September 2019)
Contributions that exceed the mentioned process will be published, as appropriate, in the section "Studies", "Forum and agora" or "Voices in the culture of legality", as well as, when appropriate, in the sections "Rereading ... "or" Corner of readings "of the magazine.
The originals can be presented in Spanish, English, French, Italian, German and Portuguese. This will preferably be done through the platform on the magazine's page:, where you can also find the editing rules. To submit article proposals, authors must register as such in the "Enter" tab of the horizontal navigation menu. It will also be possible to send it to the email address