MariaCaterina La Barbera is PhD in Human Rights from the Univ. of Palermo, Italy. She currently is Visiting Scholar at the Centro de Estudios Políticos y Constitucionales (CEPC). She has been pre-doctoral fellow at the Dept. Politics, Law and Society of the Univ. Palermo. She was later appointed as a Staff Researcher at the Law School of the Univ. California, Berkeley (UCB). As a postdoc, she has been granted several research fellowships on competitive bases and worked at the Dept. Anthropology of the UCB, the Dept. Politics, Law and Society of the Univ. Palermo, the Center for Human and Social Sciences (CCHS) of CSIC, and the CEPC of Madrid. At CEPC, she was awarded a García Pelayo Fellowship, which is equivalent to the Ramon y Cajal program. She has been Visiting Lecturer at the Department of Social Sciences of the Univ. Carlos III of Madrid. She has been in charge of the course “Gender and equal opportunities” of the Master in Intercultural Education of UNED (2012-2015). She obtained the accreditation for “Contratada Doctora” in the area of Social and Juridical Sciences. She spent research stays at the London School of Economics (2005), the Univ. Valencia (2006), the UCB (2007, 2009, 2010) and the CCHS-CSIC (2010). Her field of research lies in between Law, Politics and Society, Gender Studies, and International Migration Studies. She adopts an interdisciplinary approach that combines Feminist Theory, Policy Analysis, Comparative Methodology and Qualitative Research Methods. She authored a book monograph entitled “Multicentered Feminism” and has edited two volumes entitled “Identity and Migration” (Springer) and “Igualdad de género y no discriminación en España” (in press). She also is the author of numerous chapters in books and scientific articles published in national and international peer reviewed journals. She presented the results of her research in more than twenty national and international conferences. She has been invited to deliver keynote lectures in national and international meetings. She has been the PI of the project “Negotiating Identity in Migration Processes” funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, and “Women in Transit” funded by the European Social Fund. She regularly serves as a peer reviewer for national and international journals. She is a member of the Asociación Española de Ciencia Política and the European Consortium for Political Research. She collaborated as an external expert in the project “Old world...New citizens” funded by the European Fund for the Integration of Third-Country Nationals, and “TEMPER, temporary vs. Permanent Migration” founded by the 7FP European Commission.
Gender studies
Critical Theory
International migration studies
MariaCaterina La Barbera. Interseccionalidad, un “concepto viajero”: orígenes, desarrollo e implementación. Revista InterDisciplina (Monográfico "Feminismos"). 4 - 8, 2016.
MariaCaterina La Barbera. A Path Towards Interdisciplinary Research Methodologies in Human and Social Sciences: On the Use of Intersectionality to Address the Status of Migrant Women in Spain. The International Journal of the Humanities. 9 - 12, pp. 193 - 201. 2013. Available on-line at: ISSN 1447-9508
Claudia Finotelli; MariaCaterina La Barbera. When the Exception Becomes the Rule: the Spanish Citizenship Regime. Migration Letter. 10 - 2, pp. 245 - 253. 2013. Available on-line at: ISSN 1741-8984
MariaCaterina La Barbera. Inmigración, hipertrofia del derecho penal y fronteras invisibles.Revista General de Derecho Público Comparado. 8, pp. 1 - 20. Iustel, 2011. Available on-line at: ISSN 1988-5091
Books and book chapters:
MariaCaterina La Barbera. La “mutilación genital” en España desde la perspectiva comparada. Notas sobre la sentencia n. 939/2013 del Tribunal Supremo. Diversidad cultural e interpretación de los derechos: Estudio de casos (Natalia Caicedo Camacho y David Moya Malapeira, coords.). Centro de Estudios Políticos y Constitucionales, 2015. Available on-line at:
Marta Cruells López; MariaCaterina La Barbera. ¿Qué factores favorecen la introducción de la interseccionalidad en la praxis jurídica? El caso Beauty Solomon c. España. Igualdad de género y no discriminación en España: evolución, problemas, perspectivas. 2015.
MariaCaterina La Barbera. Intersectional-gender and the Locationality of Women in Transit. Feminism and Migration: Cross-Cultural Engagements, G. Bonifacio (ed.). pp. 17 - 31. Dordrecht: Springer, 2012. Available on-line at: ISBN 978-94-007-2830-1
MariaCaterina La Barbera. Feminismo "multicéntrico". Repensando el feminismo desde los márgenes. Experiencias jurídicas e identidades femeninas, R. Rodríguez López (ed.). pp. 249 - 258. Madrid: Dykinson, 2011. ISBN 978-84-9982-257-0
MariaCaterina La Barbera; Marta Cruells López. Igualdad de género y no discriminación en España: evolución, problemas, perspectivas. MadridCentro de Estudios Políticos y Constitucionales, 2015.
MariaCaterina (ed.) La Barbera. Identity and Migration in Europe: Multidisciplinary Perspectives. pp. 270 pp.. Dordrecht: Springer, 2014. Available on-line at: ISBN 978-3-319-10126-2 Type of production: Scientific book or monograph Degree of contribution: Editor or co-editor