Yolanda Gómez Lugo


Research areas:

  1. Font System
  2. Parliamentary law
  3. Legislative procedure
  4. Constitutional justice
  5. Presidential Powers, National Security and Fundamental Rights in the United States

Recent publications:

  • Book: La suspensión del habeas corpus de los detenidos en Guantánamo. Poderes presidenciales y Tribunal Supremo, Madrid, CEPC, 2015, 251 págs.
  • Book chapter: “La dignidad humana en la Jurisprudencia del Tribunal Supremo de los Estados Unidos”, en Dignidad humana y derecho fundamental, Madrid, CEPC, 2015, págs. 81-121.
  • Article: “Sobre la discutible “extrema y urgente necesidad” del Decreto-Ley 5/2015 (sobre medidas urgentes en relación con la comercialización de los derechos de explotación de contenidos audiovisuales de las competiciones de fútbol profesional)”, Revista Aranzadi de derecho de deporte y entretenimiento, nº 48, 2015, págs. 51-81.

Recent activities:

  • Visiting Professor in the Specialization in Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law of the National University of Colombia (Colombia) 2015 (15 hours). Subject: "Constitutional problems of indefinite detentions in Guantánamo and presidential powers in the United States".
  • Visiting Professor, Dottorato di Giustizia Costituzionale e diritti fondamentali, Università di Pisa (Italy). 2011/2012 (15 hours). Subject: "Le detenzioni a Guantanamo ed i poteri presidenziali negli Stati Uniti".
  • Visiting Professor, Master in Public Law, University of Santo Tomás (Bogotá, Colombia) in agreement with Kontanz Universität (Germany), April 16, 17 and 18, 2009 (20 hours). Subject: "The form of parliamentary government versus the presidential form of government. Parliament in today's Europe "
  • Visiting Professor, Master of Parliamentary Law, Universidad Complutense de Madrid. 2009/2010, 2010/2011, 2011/2012, 2012/2013, 2013/2014, 2014/2015, 2015/2016 (4h). Subject: "Special legislative procedures"
  • Lecturer in the Official Master's Degree in Public Law at the Universidad Carlos III in Madrid. Subject: "The appeal of amparo of Article 42 LOTC"Lecturer in the Master in Constitutional Law and Political Science, CEPC, 2014/2015, 2015/2016. Subject: "Methodology of the legal sciences" (10 hours)
  • Lecturer in the Master's Degree in Access to Law at the Universidad Europea de Madrid, 2015-2016. Subject: "Constitutional processes and constitutional organization of the State" (10 hours)